Information for voters affected by Helene is on this page which will continue to be updated as needed.

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Home / Observer Team

The League of Women Voters has promoted open government processes since its founding in 1920. LWVHC Home / Observer Team (H/O T) members attend public meetings and report on any issues that might concern the League. Having League members visibly in attendance at meetings helps ensure that our government is conducting open meetings and encourages the accountability of public officials. Joining the League's Observer Team is a great way to get involved with us. It requires a minimal time commitment each month as you choose which public meetings you would like to attend and report on. Learn about governmental processes and issues in our community that are important to you while helping us stay informed.

If you are interested in observing one of the many public meetings held each month by any of the Henderson County governmental agencies, please contact the Home/Observer Team Chair.


Resources for League Observers

Home Team

The “Home” in Home / Observer Team is about informing our elected officials about LWV's mission and purpose. Home Team members meet with elected officials, usually accompanied by a Board member or related Team Leader, to inform them about the LWV and what we do, to share specific concerns, and to hear from them what their priorities are and how LWVHC may support governance aligned with our LWV mission and positions.


Encouraging Citizen Participation in Democracy

The Henderson County LWV did a study in 2011 to answer the question:
Do Appointed Public Bodies in Henderson County Encourage Citizen Participation/Democracy?

The study drew upon the League’s support of the N.C. Sunshine Laws and Freedom of Information Act. The study also reviewed and studied the Henderson County Code of Ethics, developed and approved by the Board of Commissioners. The Code applies to all public officials, staff and volunteers appointed to boards and committees. The word “transparency” was uppermost in the minds of the study committee as it conducted its discussions and developed its criteria for survey questions.

Democracy depends upon informed, active participants at all levels of government. Governmental bodies must protect the citizen’s right to know by giving adequate notice of proposed actions, by holding open meetings and by making public records accessible. These were important factors in determining the scope of this study.

You can click these links to read the final report and survey results.

If you're interested in learning more about and/or serving on a county/municipal/regional board or committee, find up to date information from Henderson County HERE.