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LWVHC Board of Directors 2023-2024

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Ernest Mowell has been an active League member since 2010. He has served as Vice President of LWVHC and on the Nominating Committee of LWVNC. Ernest first learned about the LWV watching political debates in 6th Grade. He is a retired Deputy US Marshal, an Army veteran, and currently serves the community in a variety of roles.

Ernie Mowell, President


Liz is a retired tech writer who moved to Hendersonville from Ohio in 2017 and joined LWVHC soon after. She has served on the Board of Directors and as chair of the Communications team. She's most likely to be found walking her dog, at group class in the Hendo YMCA, or scribbling in a spiral notebook. She divides her time between WNC and Jalisco, Mexico, where her husband works as a UU Minister. Liz appreciates the League's efforts to support the democratic process.

Liz Hill, Vice President


Mary Kay Krokowski is the retired founder and principal of Aging Advisors, LLC, a Care Management company. She is a graduate of the Boston College School of Nursing. She received a Masters in Health Advocacy from Sarah Lawrence College, focusing on ethics with medical decision making. She moved to Hendersonville in 2019 and is a past-President of the Henderson County Welcome Club. Mary Kay has been a member of the Immigration Team since joining LWV. Gardening, grandchildren, choral singing, and travel take up much of the remainder of her time.

Mary Kay Krokowski, Secretary


Nancy hails from Northern Wisconsin where, in her youth, she earned her private pilot’s license and joined Amelia Earhart’s The Ninety-Nines flying club. She was the first female air traffic controller to serve in the FAA’s Green Bay Tower. After transfers to Alton IL and Daytona Beach FL, she landed in Fayetteville NC. As a proud PATCO member fired by Ronald Reagan in 1981, she earned her paralegal degree and spent 30 years in Charlotte law firms and at United Dominion Industries where she created their corporate travel program. Since moving full time to Hendersonville in 2015, Nancy volunteers for Project Dignity, NC SHIIP, Four Seasons Hospice, WNCW, NC Arboretum, Conserving Carolina and Etowah Elementary School, among others. She and her husband are avid birders often traveling to Central and South America. She hopes to do her small part for LWV helping to preserve democracy in America.

Nancy Pellegrini, Treasurer


Mary is a retired educator – 15 years as a middle school language arts teacher and 20 years as a teacher trainer and coach. She and her husband have lived in Hendersonville since 1999 and love all that the area has to offer. Besides the League of Women Voters, Mary serves as the president of her Homeowners Association, volunteers at the Visitor Center in DuPont Forest and tutors at the Literacy Connection. She was drawn to the League of Women Voters because it provides an opportunity to fully connect to the community and lend a hand to make good things happen.

Mary Landry, Director


Marcella moved to Hendersonville in 2020 and joined the League in 2021. She retired as a librarian and professor from St. Mary's University in San Antonio, TX, where she was employed for about 30 years. In addition to serving on the Board she is current Team Leader for the Immigration Team, serves as a citizenship and literacy tutor for Blue Ridge Literacy Council, and helps to make toys at Apple Country Woodcrafters. The toys are donated to various social services agencies at Christmas time.

Marcella Lesher, Director


Lynn grew up in the Albany area of New York state where her father ran for public office and her mother helped to form a chapter of the League of Women Voters. She got a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and a Masters degree in Asian Studies and then spent a 30 year career in the Federal government working for the Department of Defense as a civilian and living in Maryland. She and her husband Stan retired to Hendersonville seven years ago and she is active in the Blue Ridge Ringers community handbell choir, the Joseph McDowell chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution and the League of Women Voters of Henderson County, focusing on Voter Services for the last two years.

Lynn McFarland, Director

Board Minutes

See current and recent past Board Minutes