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LWV Position on Education

The LWVUS supports federal policies that provide an equitable, quality public education for all children pre-K through grade 12. Committed to racial integration of schools as a necessary condition for equal access to education, LWVUS in its 1974-76 Program included the phrase "equal access to quality education," reflecting League recognition that "equality" and "quality" are inseparable. The League supports many federal education programs, some designed to meet the special educational needs of the poor and minorities and others to give women and minorities equal education opportunities. Many state and local Leagues have identified inequities in education financing during the course of their own program studies and have worked for reforms. Action on school financing equity takes place predominantly at the state level where school financing laws are made. 

For more information on LWVUS and education positions, see page 153 of the Impact on Issues document.

LWVHC Education Team

The LWVHC Education Team is focused on four areas of action as summarized below. The team meets monthly primarily by Zoom.

Contact team leaders from the links on the Committees and Teams page of our website


8th Grade Trip to DC

In 2022 we were asked if we could help support Hendersonville Middle School's 8th Grade trip to Washington DC. Knowing this trip would be an unforgettable foundation experience for the class, several League members donated scholarship money to help ensure all students could attend. They sent their thanks with this video of the trip, which included laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


Students Voting for Democracy

Created by the League of Women Voters of Henderson County, The Students Voting For Democracy (SVFD) civics program has been maintained and produced during every presidential and midterm election cycle since 2014 with the League's partner and host, the Henderson County Public Schools (HCPS). Each school has an SVFD teacher-liaison who, working with an SVFD District Facilitator, is responsible for coordinating the program with the school’s faculty to hold the mock election. Thousands of K-12 students have voted in these mock elections

Goals of the Program:


2022’s SVFD program in Henderson County Schools was a great success. A total of 5,811 students voted in the mock election, which is 8 more than voted in the 2020 election.

Power Point Election Units were prepared for grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12 to introduce the candidates and issues to the students to help them be informed voters when they vote during the early voting period.



We need volunteers to help maintain, implement, and update the Students Voting For Democracy Civics Mini-Program. Contact the Chairs for more information.

Student Engagement

Since 2019, we have awarded an annual $1000 award, the Francee Sherman Student Award, to a Henderson County graduating high school senior student.  Students have participated in voter registration events, candidate forums, and virtual meetings. We have been using social media to promote League activities and have created a digital flyer that can be texted to students who might be interested in joining the League. We continue to seek ways to engage students in League activities.

State Policy and Action Alerts

The Education Team Director also serves on the North Carolina League State Education Task Force. In that capacity, she passes along Legislative Action Alerts from the state league and actions and activities from leagues around the state that might be of interest to the Hendersonville League. We also draft letters to the editor for our president to send to local papers on educational issues.