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Environment ā€” Introduction

From the 1920s studies of flood control, erosion, and the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority to the 2019 position on climate change, the League of Women Voters (LWV) has championed environmental protection. As is foundational to League positions, the LWV believes that understanding and action/advocacy are shared responsibilities by individuals, groups, and governments at all levels including local, state, national, and international. We support public education that provides a basic understanding of the environment including the costs and benefits of environmental protection, pollution control, and conservation. Citizens should be well-informed including their right to participate in decision-making. We support long-range planning for and legislation to protect our natural resources and public health while strengthening our economy through job creation.


• Climate

The League believes that the serious threat of climate change needs an interrelated approach – through energy conservation, air pollution controls, building resilience, and promotion of renewable resources – to protect public health and defend the overall integrity of the global ecosystem. The League supports climate goals and policies that are consistent with the best available climate science and that will ensure a stable climate system for future generations.


• Natural Resources and Resource Management

The League of Women Voters believes that natural resources should be managed as interrelated parts of life-supporting ecosystems. Resources should be conserved and protected to assure their future availability. Pollution of resources should be mitigated to preserve the integrity of ecosystems and to protect public health.


• Environmental Protection and Pollution Control

The League supports maximum protection of the environment and public health through long-range planning and ongoing advocacy to meet goals that safeguard the environment through the recognition of the interrelationship of our resources. The LWV believes that although all levels of government share responsibility for protecting our environment, it is essential that the federal government should have the primary role in setting standards while also providing leadership and technical and financial assistance. The LWV believes that environmental protection is a cost of providing a product or service such that consumers, taxpayers, and ratepayers should expect to pay some of the costs. The League supports federal financial assistance for state and local programs.

For More Information

For more information on LWV Natural Resources positions, go to Impact on Issues 2022--2024 (pdf; will open in a new window). Topics include:

     Resource Management
     Environmental Protection and Pollution Control
       Air Quality
       Land Use
       Water Resources
       Waste Management
     Transfer of Federal Lands
     Climate Change
     Public Participation
     Federal Agriculture Policies

Land Use in Henderson County

Local League members have been closely following the creation of Henderson County's 2045 Comprehensive Plan, which will guide development in the county for the next 20 years.  Unfortunately, after countless efforts by citizens during public input, the new Plan does not reflect the land use policies that the League supports: conservation and wise management of resources, such as fragile natural areas, farmland and historic lands. In the early months of 2024, the HC Planning Board will be creating an implementation document to go with the Plan. Policy development will come in changes to the Land Development Code.


Waste Reduction & Recycling

League members are encouraged to continually educate themselves concerning the proper methods of recycling. Find a local reference guide below (pdf; will open in a new window):

Henderson County Brochure

Do more than recycle!  Help your local environment. Get involved, join and support the following non-profits:

Links to websites (will open in a new window)

MountainTrue - Environmental advocacy

Conserving Carolina - Land conservation

Southern Environmental Law Center - Environmental defense