Welcoming All Our Learners: Language Learning Strategies That Work – February 25, 2025
About 40 people attended this Lunch and Learn featuring Simone Wertenberger, HCPS Program Director for English as a Second Language, the Migrant Education Program, and the World Dual Language program at Henderson County Public Schools. Simone explained the HCPS programs that support students from dual-language homes and help them to learn and thrive.
LWVHC at Common Cause Rally – February 17, 2025
LWVHC was present for the Common Cause Rally---The People V. Griffin: Defending 60,000 NC Voters--- held on President's Day in support of the democratic process. After multiple recounts, Griffin is pressing the courts to disenfranchise 60,000 voters.
Voter Services Events: 2025-2026 – January 1, 2025
LWVHC/Voter Services team members and supporters provide information at numerous events and register voters throughout the year.

Forum on Historic Floods & Landslides 2/15/25
Annual Holiday Celebration – December 8, 2024
Our tradition continues with veteran and new members alike coming together to enjoy an afternoon holiday celebration at the Carriage Park Clubhouse. Along with scrumptious treats, we shared stories and thoughts about "celebrating the League." It was a great opportunity to visit with old friends and make new ones. Donations were shared with local organizations.
Board of Education Candidate Forum – October 20, 2024
This is one of five LWVHC held candidate events in September and October. Held at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville, candidates for election to Board of Education participated in a Candidate Forum.
Mills River Town Council Forum – October 13, 2024
This is one of five LWVHC held candidate events in September and October. Held at Mills River Community Center, candidates for election to Mills River Town Council participated in a Candidate Forum.
2024 LWVHC CANDIDATE EVENTS – September 21, 2024
LWVHC held 5 candidate events in September and October along with numerous voter information/registration events. Candidate events: Meet and Greet for all candidates at Patton Park, County Commissioner Forum at 1st Congregational Church, Mills River Council Forum at Mills River Community Center, Board of Education Forum at City Operations Building, and Zoom City Council Candidate Forum posted on our YouTube channel. Along with our VOTE411 online, voter information website on candidates and voting, Henderson County voters had many opportunities to learn about voting and candidates.

9/21 Patton Park Meet & Greet
9/21 Patton Park Meet & Greet
TAKE THE PLUNGE! Jump (back) into LWVHC – September 15, 2024
League members, guests, and prospective members gathered at the newly renovated Hedricks Rhodes Veterans Center to learn about the League and get energized. There was much to discuss as we've dived into this election season. Good company and delicious refreshments were enjoyed by all.
Data Counts: What We Know (and don't know)About WNC Voters – July 23, 2024
LWVHC Lunch & Learn program, sponsored by the Home & Observer Team, at 1st Congregational Church with WNC professor, author, and demographer Chris Cooper was a real hit. Attendance was amazing with over 120 people eager to listen and learn. Chris shared not only the data but also his analysis of what it all means, how reliable it is, and inferences we can and can't draw. He talked about the role of unaffiliated voters, the necessity of voting in local and municipal elections, and the supermajority in the NC legislature and what that means for whoever becomes governor.
Board Annual Retreat – July 16, 2024
On July 16 the LWVHC Board and Team Leaders met for an annual retreat to discuss league goals and plans for the election season and beyond. Topics included candidate events, membership, communications, working with LWVNC and LWVUS as well as financial and administrative matters. Board retreats are more informal than regular board meetings and can cover big-picture items such as strategic planning and necessary minutiae such as signing annual forms.
Voter Services Events and Registrations 2024 – May 31, 2024
LWVHC volunteers provide a much appreciated service to the community registering voters and providing essential voter information.

Our wesome League and student volunteers at Hendersonville High on April 16, 2024
Registering voters at Mills River Days
John Ariatti
Pride Festival 6/9/24
Voting information outside Shermans Sports July 2024
Charlie Wilkinson and Kim Welty at the Mills River Farmers Market
A rare spot in the shade
YMCA - National Voter Registration Day
Braver Angels Program – May 2, 2024
"Across the Continental Divide" was an introduction to the work of the nonprofut Braver Angels, a nonprofit that teaches communication skills to help bridge our growing partisan divide. More than 40 people learned and practiced how to identify their inner polarizer and find common ground with others.

LWVHC President Ernie Mowell welcomes attendees
Tom Daily introduces Braver Angels
The 1st Amendment & Access to Public Records – April 4, 2024
The Home and Observer Team sponsored this program to commemorate Sunshine Week/Your Right to Know. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, the program speakers addressed what information is available to the public, how to get the information most efficiently, and issues that could arise for both the media and individuals seeking information. The program featured Bill Moss, Editor of the Hendersonville Lightning; John Bussian, attorney for NC Press Association; and Russell Burrell, Henderson County governrment attorney.
Navigating Immigration Pathways to Legal Status – February 22, 2024
LWVHC Immigration Team hosted Pisgah Legal Services speakers, Angie Peña, Immigration Attorney, and Daniel Carey, Regional Development Director, at St. James Episcopal Church in Hendersonville. While Carey provided an overview of the numerous legal services provided by Pisgah Legal to qualified clients in WNC, Peña discussed her role in finding options for immigrants with specific or special needs. Programs covered included legal aid to survivors of domestic abuse, child abuse or neglect, and human trafficking. The difficult path for undocumented immigrants to receive legal status in the US was also covered.
National Program Planning – January 30, 2024
A dozen LWVHC members met to review and discuss policy positions for the Board to recommend to LWVUS as they reaffirm and update positions at the National Convention in June. Attendees unanimously approved support for positions defending democracy, reproductive rights, climate awareness and action, and multi, reliable media sources.
Power the South Training – January 26, 2024
LWVUS presented voter empowerment training to several North Carolina Leagues, with great assistance from LWVNC. LWVHC sent 2 reps, Liz Hill and Cindi Sthreshley, as well as our 2 state Board members, Ernie and Sandra Mowell.
Holiday Party – December 10, 2023
It's become a tradition of sorts with veteran and new members alike coming together to enjoy an afternoon holiday celebration at the Carriage Park Clubhouse. Along with scrumptious treats, we shared stories and thoughts about what makes a miracle. It was a great opportunity to catch up with old League friends and make new ones. Former and current Presidents Judy Katz and Ernest coordinated, welcomed, led discussion and then delivered hundreds of pounds of member donated food to Interfaith Assistance Ministry (IAM) on Monday morning.
Fall Kick Off – September 17, 2023
New and seasoned members along with interested community members met at the Flat Rock Village Hall to socialize and to learn more about the LWV and how we further our mission at the national, state, and local levels. Arranged by the membership committee, the event was facilitated by President Ernest Mowell while team leaders gave brief overviews of the their respective teams and committees.
Apple Festival 2023 – September 1, 2023
LWVHC was on the scene at the Apple Festival again this year where our many volunteers spoke with hundreds of festival attendees about our mission and how vital it is for all of us to be informed participants in our democracy. Along with registering 67 voters, we turned many people on to the League itself and invited them to join us. The weather couldn't have been more perfect!

Apple Festival: Lynn and Liz
Rachel, Jane, Ruth, & Barbara
Laurie; Apple Ambassador, Jackie Hernandez; Lynn, & Mary
Charlie & Becky
Lynn, Jonathan, & Liz
Patti, John, & Judy
LWVHC Program with Common Cause: DEMOCRACY CHALLENGES & PRIORITIES – July 21, 2023
Common Cause NC Advisory Board member, Bill Sederburg, spoke to a crowd of over 50 at Agudas Israel Synagogue in Hendersonville on threats to our democracy including the delegitimization of elections through false accusations of voter fraud and legislation to make voting less accessible to poor and historically disenfranchised voters. His comments included current bills in the NC legislature which will almost certainly suppress the vote. The program began with remarks from new LWVHC President, Ernest Mowell, followed by LWVHC and Common Cause member Rick Wood who introduced Bill. Voter Services Chair Lynn McFarland spoke about challenge to nonpartisan status of Henderson County School Board elections and introduced newly appointed Director of the HC Board of Elections, Summer Heatherly.
LWVHC Annual Meeting – June 15, 2023
Our first in-person since 2019, this year's Annual Meeting was a total success. The meeting was held at First Methodist Church in Hendersonville where guest speaker, Dr Stephen Crane, Professor of Clinical Medicine and member of the NC Institute of Medicine, spoke on the current state of health equity and how we can improve outcomes. Francee Sherman Student Award winner, Evie Corn, was applauded for her achievements, and new Board members were welcomed: Marcella Lesher and new President, Ernie Mowell. We wished both Karen Hebb, Director of the Board of Elections, and Brenda Sherrer, outgoing LWVHC President, a warm farewell and many thanks for their years of service. Box lunches provided by Dandelion were enjoyed, and all business was successfully conducted.
Lunch with the League – May 23, 2023
Our monthly "coffee and tea" with the League moved outdoors to Patton Park where members and friends enjoyed a "bring your lunch" social opportunity. It was great to hear about the recent LWVNC State Convention from those who attended.
Voter Services and Registration Events 2023 – April 15, 2023
LWVHC volunteers provide a much appreciated service to the community registering voters and providing essential voter information.

Blue Ridge Community College Transylvania County
Barbara Fricker at the Fletcher Library 9-6-23
Susan Silverman at the Back to School event in August
Back to School Festival 9/26/23
BRCC 9/19/23
Mills River Farmers Market 7/8/23
BRCC 9/19/23
Jane deMartini at the H'ville Farmers Market
Pride Celebration Jackson Park 6/10/23
North Henderson HS 5/18
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Brevard
North Henderson HS 5/18
Mills River
BRCC 9/19/23 National Voter Registration Day Event
BRCC 9/19/23
Tuxedo Discovery Day 10/21/23
Mills River Farmers Market 9/9/23
Jan Allen Fletcher Library 9-6-23
Back to School Festival 9/26/23
IAM Mobile Unit 7/26/23
Early College BRCC 4/18/23
Mills River Farmers Market
North Henderson HS 5/18
North Henderson HS 5/18
"We're Growing....Now What?" Planning Program – March 30, 2023
LWVHC Home & Observer Team sponsored this program where planners/administrators from each municipality and the county shared information about their respective communities, challenges they face, and how they work together to plan for the County's future. Program participants: Matt Manley, Hendersonville City; Alex Carmichael, Laurel Park; Pat Christie, Flat Rock; Michael Malachek, Mills River; Autumn Radcliff, Henderson County. With time for questions & answers, the program provided the 60+ attendees with a sound understanding of where we are and where we're heading.
Coffee & Tea with the League – March 22, 2023
LWVHC welcomed spring---albeit on a rainy day---with a rousing "coffee and tea" discussion at the Coop. Veteran members shared inspiring stories and information about local league history and advocacy opportunities with new and prospective members.
Coffee and Tea with the League – February 21, 2023
We've begun to hold monthly gatherings, different times and different days, to socialize and fill each other in on what's been happening. Please join us! Look for more info in the biweekly Update.
Immigration Team Program – February 16, 2023
LWVHC Immigration Team program, "Exploring the Landscape of Immigrant Employment in Henderson County: Opportunities and Dilemmas," provided attendees with an in-depth look at employment and the role of immigrants in the County and the effect of national immigration policies on local employment. Panelists shared information and insights and answered numerous questions from the 60+ attendees.

left Christopher Just, Farmworker Regional Educator, Henderson COunty Extension; center Marcella Lesher Immigration Team Chair; right, Bert Lemkes, General Manager Tri-Hishtil LLC
LWVHC Program: Henderson County Public Schools Superintendent Mark Garrett – January 23, 2023
Recently-appointed School District Superintendent Mark Garrett provided League and community members alike with a detailed overview of the School District. After sharing his background in and values about education, Mr. Garrett presented facts and figures about the District from curriculum to funding to staffing---all of which are coordinated to make HC Schools among the best in the state. He concluded his presentation by answering audience questions.
Nonpartisanship in School Board Elections – January 18, 2023
LWVHC took on the issue of transparency at County Commission meetings when an important proposed Resolution regarding changing School Board elections from nonpartisan to partisan races was placed in a Consent Agenda and which allowed for no public input. Board and Education Team members rose to the occasion calling on Commissioners to remove the item from the agenda until further information was available and discussion was permitted. Turnout at the meeting was large, and the press covered the issue. Commissioners voted to remove the item and place it on the February agenda where public comment will be permitted.
Holiday Party 2022 – December 11, 2022
Veteran and new members alike enjoyed an afternoon holiday celebration at the Carriage Park Clubhouse. Along with scrumptious treats, decorations, slide show, and music, we shared stories of a variety of holiday traditions. It was a great opportunity to catch up with old League friends and make new ones. League leaders, Brenda Sherrer and Nancy Pellegrini, delivered 232 pounds of food which members donated to Interfaith Assistance Ministry (IAM) on Monday morning.
School Board Candidate Forum – October 8, 2022
About 50 people attended the Henderson County School Board forum at City Operations Building which LWVHC hosted. The four candidates who participated were Shelia Dale, Jay Egolf, Mary Ellen Kustin, and Eric Parlow. LWVHC Board member and retired Social Studies teacher, Paul Goebel, moderated the forum.
Students Voting For Democracy Fall 2022 – October 7, 2022
Henderson County Public Schools and LWVHC provide every student, grade K-12, with an opportunity to learn about the democratic process and practice voting through our Students Voting For Democracy (SVFD) biannual program.

Sticker Party
Etowah Elementary School
Sticker Party
Sticker Party
Sticker Party
Sticker Party
CANDIDATE MEET & GREET – October 1, 2022
As Hurricane Ian swept by Henderson County, LWVHC hosted a Meet & Greet at Patton Park pavilion. Those who attended appreciated the opportunity to speak with candidates individually.
Voter Information/Registrations and VOTE411 – September 17, 2022
LWVHC held a number of voter information and registration events in Henderson County during the fall of 2022 as well as our VOTE411 initiative. Turnout and enthusiasm in support of an informed electorate were energizing to volunteers and visitors alike. We placed more than 100 yard signs throughout the county as well as our latest addition: a large, 2-sided 411 banner.

National Voter Registration Day 9/17/22
Blue Ridge Community College
Farmers' Market 9/24/22
Johnson Family Farm
banner installation at the YMCA on 6th Ave West
banner installation at Unitarian Universalist Church
Unitarian Universalist Church
National Voter Registration Day 9/17/22
VOTE411 banner at Johnson Family Farm
Spartanburg Highway
"The Lightning" ad in the Election Edition
Apple Festival 2022 – September 5, 2022
Voter Services team organized and staffed our LWVHC biannualbooth at the Apple Festival. 79 people registered with the greatest number on the rainy day: 38. 14 people signed up to get more information about the league The future voter stickers were a hit with the little ones!
Apple Pie & Ice Cream Social – August 28, 2022
League members were delighted to spend time together reconnecting in-person and welcoming both new and interested community members. Team and committee members shared important info and encouraged all to join and stay active.
Honoring 1st Woman's Suffrage Association – May 22, 2022
LWV Asheville-Buncombe celebrated the installation of a roadside marker honoring Helen Morris Lewis, President of the the 1st Women's Suffrage Association of NC. LWVNC President, Jo Nicholas, was among the speakers, and LWVHC members attended the celebration.
Guardian Ad Litem Program – May 10, 2022
LWVHC hosted an informative program at the Co-op about Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) and the need for volunteers. North Carolina Guardian ad Litem Program has been serving abused and neglected children for more than 30 years. Program Director Melani Leinhart encouraged Leaguers to volunteer to support positive outcomes for children suffering from abuse and neglect.
Spring Student Video Contest – April 26, 2022
LWVHC sponsored an Earth Day video contest for Middle School students.
First prize went to Ari Nichols at Rugby Middle School; second prize to two, tied entries, also from Rugby Middle School, Aunica Tomlinson and the duo of Lauren Koch and Khloe Labruno; and third place went to Caleb Marshall at Flat Rock Middle School. In collaboration with the Henderson County public and private schools, the contest invited participants to create original, short videos clearly and creatively informing how we can all do our part to keep our county clean.
Saying Farewell to Leaguer, Linda Miller – April 25, 2022
At an Education Team meeting on 4/21, and then at the Co-op on 4/25, Leaguers thanked Linda Miller for her dedication, hard work, and her accomplishments in supporting HC schools, students, and staff and our Students Voting For Democracy program.
Board of Elections Recognition – April 12, 2022
On April 12, Leagues across the United States thanked their local Board of Elections staff for their dedication in ensuring that every eligible voter can vote in a secure and comfortable environment. We delivered our thanks to our local election heroes that morning.

Karen Hebb and fellow BOE staff
We can't thank our BOEs enough!
Spring Voter Registration Events – March 29, 2022
The Voter Services Team is sponsoring numerous voter registration events in 2022.
Volunteers not only register new voters but also provide general and complete information about NC elections and the League of Women Voters.

Hendersonville High School 3/29
Hendersonville High School 3/29
Boys & Girls Club 3/30
Blue Ridge Humane Society 4/4
Blue Ridge Community College 4/6
Sherman's on Main St 4/9
Blue Ridge Community College 4/6
Boys & Girls Club 3/30
Boys & Girls Club 3/30
Boys & Girls Club 3/30
Blue Ridge Humane Society 4/4
Exploring County Government: How You Can Participate – March 22, 2022
County Manager, John Mitchell, spoke to League members and the public at the Main Library about Henderson County government and how citizens can be more involved. He shared insights from his own career as well as current concerns in the County from how to spend American Rescue Plan funds to the 2045 Comprehensive Plan.
THE ROAD TO CITIZENSHIP: Lunch & Learn Hendersonville Co-op – February 22, 2022
The Immigration Team hosted speakers: LWVHC member Marcella Lesher, Claudia Yepez, a naturalized citizen, and America Moreno Jimenez, a DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipient. The program promoted awareness of the many steps and challenges of applying for citizenship.
Alice Group – February 10, 2022
The Alice Group, named for Alice Paul, meets monthly to discuss political issues. Come join us! See the Update calendar to register.
VOTER SUPPRESSION Program via Zoom – February 8, 2022
Dr. Ashley Moraquez, Political Science Associate Professor at UNC Asheville, spoke to 98 attendees and answered questions about the kinds of activities often called "voter suppression"---from required photo IDs to voter roll purges to gerrymandering.
Holiday Party – December 12, 2021
League members and guests shared holiday cheer at the Carriage Park Clubhouse. Attendees socialized, enjoyed delicious appetizers and scrumptious cookies, and chose among "donation" ornaments to contribute to Hendersonville Rescue Mission and Children and Family Resource Center.
State of Education Henderson County – December 7, 2021
Henderson County Superintendent, Dr. John Bryant, spoke to League members and public alike on the state of pre K-12 public education in Henderson County. Attendees were inspired, enlightened, and informed during his presentation at the Kaplan Auditorium, Hendersonville Main Library.
2021 Student Video Contest – November 15, 2021
Presentation to the winners of our 2021 Student Video Contest. First prize: Wilson Mayo, senior at Hendersonville High School. Second prize, team effort by Elijah Dugdale and Cyrus Hardin. In collaboration with the Henderson County Public Schools, the contest invited participants to create original, short videos clearly and creatively informing on environmental issues of concern.

President Brenda Sherrer awards Wilson Mayo First Prize.
Candidate Meet & Greet – October 9, 2021
LWVHC hosted a meet & greet where constituents had an opportunity to speak with candidates running in every Henderson County municipal election. Over 75 people attended.
Fall 2021 Voter Services Events – September 14, 2021
Our Voter Services team was on the move this election season, registering voters and providing voter information at several locations: Hendersonville YMCA, Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC) Brevard and Flat Rock Campuses, and Hendersonville Farmers' Market.

Hendersonville YMCA welcome week, Sept. 13-16, 2021
Hendersonville YMCA welcome week, Sept. 13-16, 2021
Reaching students at BRCC Brevard
At BRCC Brevard
YMCA Welcome Week
YMCA Welcome Week
Train Depot Farmers' Market 10/2/21
Train Depot Farmers' Market 10/2/21
Hendersonville Farmers' Market 9/18/21
BRCC Flat Rock
BRCC Flat Rock
BRCC Flat Rock
BRCC Flat Rock
Lynn at the Oct 2 Farmers Market
Train Depot Farmers' Market 10/2/21
Train Depot Farmers' Market 10/2/21
Hendersonville Farmers' Market 9/18/21
BRCC Flat Rock
BRCC Flat Rock
BRCC Flat Rock 9/17/21
Hendersonville YMCA welcome week, Sept. 13-16, 2021
Hendersonville YMCA welcome week, Sept. 13-16, 2021
Candidate Meet and Greet – September 13, 2021
The League provided a place for voters to meet the candidates for Hendersonville City Council Primary Election, slated for Oct. 5 2021. More than 50 people were in attendance.
LWVHC Presidents Discussion – September 10, 2021
A gathering of Great Minds! LWVHC President, Brenda Sherrer, introduced herself and appreciated wisdom offered from past presidents. Past President, Lee Luebbe, hosted the gathering which took place at Carolina Village. Other past presidents who were there: Marian Lowry, Judy Katz, Nan Jennings, Sharon Burlingame, Renee Kumor, Rachel Poller, Grace Poli, Marion Huffman, Barbara Volk, and Acee Hughes.
Kick-Off Social Event – August 29, 2021
LWVHC members and community members celebrated the opening of another League year at Patton Park. Attendees enjoyed the opportunity to spend time together in person while learning what LWVHC is planning for this year.
ANNUAL MEETING & Preceding Events 2021 – June 17, 2021
Some candid shots from our virtual Annual Meeting where the year's accomplishments were celebrated, volunteers thanked, and business attended to. For detailed info, see: Resources---Member Tools---Other Member Resources---Annual Meeting Booklet 2021.

Rachel passing gavel to Brenda
newly-elected President, Brenda Sherrer, presents Francee Sherman Award to Allison Caskey
Garden Jubilee – May 31, 2021
Volunteers provided voter information at Raymond's and McConnell's during Garden Jubilee weekend.
Day of Action on Main Street – May 1, 2021
Board members meet the public to distribute information and register voters.
Students Voting for Democracy Team Meetings – March 24, 2021
The SVFD planning team doesn’t miss a beat! Here are photos of their last 2020 meeting heading into the COVID blues... and emerging triumphant and ready to work again!

Stalwarts Renee Kumor, Sharon Burlingame, and Bette Liebzeit
Masked and ready to roll!
December Specials! – December 20, 2020
LWVHC at work and at play: we held a mini-retreat for Board members and Team and Committee chairs, purchased flashy, new banners for Voter Services events, and celebrated the holiday season together.
Students Voting For Democracy (SVFD) 2020 – November 3, 2020
Henderson County Public School students grades K-12 participated in a mock election. Students voted for candidates as well as on issues that were designed appropriate for grade level. Students attending school virtually were able to submit online, absentee ballots!
Students Voting for Democracy at East Henderson High School – October 23, 2020
Emma Gilliam, LWVHC member and EHHS Senior Class President says: Thanks to everyone for putting SFVD together! At my school, East Henderson, it was a lot of fun! We made Friday the school wide education/VOTE411 research day as well as showing part of the School board forum video and Monday was school wide voting and patriotic spirit day. It was a great success! Here are some more pictures from East."
VOTE411 Fall 2020 – October 1, 2020
LWVHC promotes GOTV and informed voting via VOTE411 through yard signs, billboards, advertisements, and flyers.

6th Ave West
South Rugby & Broyles Rd
Electronic billboard I-26
Billboard on 4 Seasons Blvd
64 West entering Etowah
N. Main St
Upward & Orchard Rds
5th Ave West
Main Library Display Case
Main Library
Bradley Road
5th & White Pine
Haywood Rd
Brevard Rd & Blythe St
64 Horseshoe
2020 Voter Registrations: July/August/September – August 1, 2020
LWVHC Voter Services remains undaunted in the face of pandemic! Registration events are a huge hit throughout the summer and fall including at farmers' markets, Main St, churches, breweries, and parks.

Saluda Food Pantry
Interfaith Assistance Ministry IAM
Diaper Drive Through
7th Ave Depot
7th Ave Depot
Blue Ridge Health
Oklawaha Brewery
Blue Ridge Health
Mills River
Henderson County Tailgate Market
Blue Ghost Brewery
Main Street, Hendersonville
Burning Blush Brewery
Smiley's Flea Market
Main Street, Hendersonville
Hendersonville Rescue Mission
Southern Appalachian Brewery
Bill Moore Community Park
Upward Road neighborhood event
Upward Road neighborhood event
Upward Road neighborhood event
Union Grove Baptist Church
Etowah United Methodist Church
Hendersonville Community Co-op
Blue Ridge Community College—Brevard Campus
Flat Rock Park
Interfaith Assistance Ministry IAM
LWVHC Board Retreat – July 23, 2020
We held our 2020 Board Retreat at the perfect venue: our respective homes! On July 23 Board members explored the concept of intersectionality and then discussed League responsibilities and priorities along with programs for the next 3 months. In the afternoon, team and committee chairs joined in for additional discussion and a preview of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion plan.
LWVHC Virtual Membership Meeting – June 19, 2020
The League of Women Voters Henderson County (LWVHC) held its first virtual Membership Meeting with over 40 members logging in to Zoom. Due to Covid-19, members were treated to an online review of the League’s accomplishments and then took care of organizational business and voting via electronic polls. After President Rachel Poller welcomed attendees and gave a mini-lesson in zooming, Rabbi Rachael Jackson of Agudas Israel inspired the group with her speech: “Life and Voting Are Interdisciplinary.”
"All Things Voting" Program February 27, 2020 – February 27, 2020
LWVHC held its February Program, All Things Voting, at the Main Library. Following some history of the League's founding 100 years ago, moderator Paul Goebel described the significance of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Karen Hebb, Director of the Board of Elections, discussed election security and technology followed by Vice-President, Ernest Mowell, on the importance of the census and Asheville activist, Ron Katz, on the vital need for fair voting districts. About 40 community members attended.
League of Women Voters 100th Anniversary – February 19, 2020
At the Henderson County Board of Commissioners meeting, about 15 LWVHC members attended to hear Commissioner Rebecca McCall read a tribute to League of Women Voters on our one hundredth anniversary and to the 19th Amendment on its hundredth year giving women the right to vote. Rachel addressed the Board and summarized all that our league does for Henderson County to help empower voters and defend democracy.
"Due Process or Not? First Hand Observations." – January 16, 2020
League member Lee Luebbe and El Centro Board member, Gayle Kemp, reported on their visit to Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, GA. More than 50 League and community members gathered at Agudas Israel Synagogue where they learned about the conditions facing ICE detainees and their rights as well as facts and figures regarding private, for-profit prisons.
Holiday Party – December 8, 2019
League members and guests rang in the Holiday season with a festive gathering at the Carriage Park Clubhouse. We shared many delicious goodies, made new friends and caught up with others. Six former LWVHC presidents were there! And, we collected about 50 books to deliver to the children in Headstart at WCCA.
Civics Education in the Public Schools Program – November 21, 2019
Assistant Superintendent of Henderson County Public Schools Jan King and Henderson County School Board member Rick Wood engaged LWVHC members and community members with their presentation and follow-up discussion of civics education in the public schools
Part Three of The Immigration Series - FACT vs FICTION – November 14, 2019
The League of Women Voters Henderson County along with several community organizations held its third in its 3-part series on Immigration, FACT vs. FICTION, at Immaculate Conception Church. The topic addressed was The Myth of Economics/Crime. LWVHC member and Immigration Team chair, Lee Luebbe, moderated and introduced the panelists: Bert Lemkes, General Manager, Tri-Histil; Corey Atkins, VIce-President of Public Policy and General Counsel fo the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce; Efren Vintimillia, local banker; and Sheriff Lowell Griffin and Major Frank Stout of the Henderson County Sheriff's Department. The speakers all shared compelling information and data regarding the issues and impacts of undocumented immigrants on the economy of WNC. About 90 community members attended and asked numerous questions.
LWVHC Library Display – October 24, 2019
Be sure to stop by the library anytime during the month of November to check out
the LWVHC display!

Linda Miller putting the finishing touches to the LWVHC Library Display
Climate and Energy Saving: What Can We Do? – October 17, 2019
Katie Breckheimer, MountainTrue board member and Esther Cunningham award winner, and Brad Rouse, executive director Energy Saver Network, provided compelling evidence of the need for a "climate revolution" through cultural, political, economic, and technological change and suggestions for each of us to make it happen.
Part Two of The Immigration Series - FACT vs FICTION – October 10, 2019
The League of Women Voters Henderson County along with several community organizations held its second in its 3-part series on Immigration, FACT vs. FICTION, on Thursday, October 10, at Immaculate Conception Church. The topic addressed was "The Myth of Just Get In Line." Ollie Bunch, Convener of the Immigration Network of Henderson County, introduced the 3 panelists: Jacob Oakes, lawyer with Pisgah Legal; and Claudia Yepez and Areli Perez-Nava, immigrants who shared their personal stories in their paths to citizenship. About 100 community members attended and asked numerous questions.
Candidate Meet & Greet – October 7, 2019
Council and Mayoral Candidates from Henderson County municipalities Flat Rock, Fletcher, Mills River, Laurel Park and Hendersonville met their constituents to discuss issues.
2019 LWVHC Voter Registration Events – September 17, 2019

Constitution Day event at BRCC
Constitution Day event at BRCC
Constitution Day event at BRCC
YMCA Voter Registration Event 9/19/19
YMCA Voter Registration Event 9/19/19
YMCA Voter Registration Event 9/19/19
Farm City Day - 10/6/19
Farm City Day 10/6/19
Women's Suffrage and the 19th Amendment – September 17, 2019
Board member, retired history teacher, and raconteur Paul Goebel engaged participants with the background of the passage of the 19th amendment within the historical context of reform movements in the United States.
Immigration 101 - Facts vs Fiction – September 12, 2019
Informative session on Immigration last week, attended by 86 people, who heard panelists speak on the "Myth of Duplicated Services".
Annual Launch – August 25, 2019
While enjoying cookies and lemonade, new and veteran LWVHC members as well as guests toured our website and learned about and signed up to join any number of our many teams and committees. So while you're here on our website, please get to know us better by browsing and then email and/or join us!!
State School Voucher Program – August 15, 2019
At oOur August 15th Lunch and Learn, Bonnie Bechard, LWV Dare County member and retired UNC Administrator, presented on tax dollars for private school vouchers and the need for transparency and accountability in evaluating schools that receive funding.
Redistricting What Happens Now? – August 10, 2019
Over 140 people crowded the Kaplan Auditorium of the Hendersonville Library to learn about gerrymandering and fair redistricting. Co-sponsored by LWVHC and 8 other nonprofits, Redistricting: What Happens Now was a panel discussion featuring Representative Chuck McGrady, Senator Terry Van Duyn, and Asheville-based computational geographer and consultant, Blake Esselstyn. Panelists presented the nuts and bolts of gerrymandering and fair redistricting as well as in-depth information on the current status of proposed bills in the legislature and the impact of the redistricting lawsuit now in the NC courts. In response to audience questions, the panelists agreed that arriving at a policy for fair redistricting in NC will probably occur incrementally and that now is an opportune time for a bill to come forward.
Annual Luncheon Gala – June 21, 2019
Annual Luncheon Gala June 21 Grand Ole Hall Highland Lake Flat Rock
Over 90 members, guests, and visitors attended our annual meeting/celebration of the year's accomplishments. Jane Pinsky, Director, of NC Coalition for Lobbying & Government Reform, spoke of the vital need for fair districting. Awards for community and student leadership were presented to Jan King, Asst Superintendent of HCPS, and Taylor Calloway, recent graduate of North High School. Almost $2,500 was raised in our silent auction/raffle fundraiser.
2019 LWVHC Student Leader Award – June 11, 2019
Senior and League member Taylor Calloway received the LWVHC Student Leader Award for academic excellence and dedication to LWV Mission at Senior Awards Ceremony at North Henderson High School.
LWVNC Convention May 17th - 19th – May 17, 2019
12 LWVHC members attended the 37th LWVNC Biennial Convention in Chapel Hill May 17th-19th where we were honored with the Outstanding Local League Award. Mayor Barbara Volk was parliamentarian; Brenda Sherrer presented on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Lee Luebbe and Judy Katz were recognized for their LWVNC contributions as coach and state Board member, respectively. Convention speakers included LWVUS CEO Virginia Kase and Allison Riggs, attorney from Southern Coalition for Social Justice, who represented the LWVNC in front of SCOTUS on gerrymandering.
May Program Planning Meeting – May 16, 2019
After reviewing our League mission and process, members brainstormed general direction and specific programs for 2019-2020. Members also ratified the Board's recommendation to incorporate.
ERA Advocacy – May 6, 2019
ERA Team members and NC ERA Alliance speak out for ERA ratification at County Commissioners Meeting on May 6, 2019
Oklawaha Greenway Program – April 18, 2019
LWVHC member Suzanne Hale, President of Friends of the Oklawaha Greenway, updated attendees on Henderson County's Greenway Master Plan and led a short walk.
Observer Team Social & Share – March 21, 2019
While enjoying the views and tasting at Appalachian Ridge Artisan Hard Cider, Observer Team and guests shared experiences and insights on observing local boards in action. The Team is growing, and the barn buzzed with our enthusiasm over the vital role of those who observe. Taking photos totally slipped our minds!
Sunshine Week: Your Right to Know Lunch & Learn – March 14, 2019
Observer Team sponsored Angie Newsome, "Carolina Public Press," and Bill Moss, "The Hendersonville Lightning," who led an informative discussion on Open Records Laws in NC and media and individual access to public information.
A Discussion of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – February 21, 2019
Recognizing the dynamic process of DEI, attendees saw the tension between how we define DEI and how we talk, act, and think and how motivation, mindset, methods and measure inform the DEI discussion.
Human Trafficking Lunch & Learn – January 24, 2019
Along with facts and figures, FBI presenters provided hands-on advice for addressing Human Trafficking in our community and personally
Program Planning Meeting – January 17, 2019
Along with enjoying our snowed-out holiday social, delectables, and pre-school book collection, members took the opportunity to learn about and prioritize state positions on issues.
ERA Lunch & Learn – November 15, 2018
After watching the recent video, "Legalizing Equality," attendees heard from NC ERA Alliance how we can support the upcoming bill to ratify in NC legislature.
LWVHC Display at the Library – November 1, 2018
LWVHC made a display case splash at the Main Library during November.
School Board Candidate Forum – October 16, 2018
Candidates provided thoughtful answers to questions on educational issues facing Henderson County.
Open World – October 12, 2018
Our 6 Ukrainian guests spent a whirlwind week exploring technology and education with the warmth and guidance of our volunteer host families and local professionals.
Candidate Forum – September 25, 2018
Standing Room Only didn't hinder candidates or attendees from engaging in a lively exchange of ideas on issues critical to NC and Henderson County.
What's on the Ballot – September 20, 2018
With co-sponsorship and information provided by DemocracyNC, attendees got the nitty-gritty on the NC Constitutional amendments on the November ballot.
Candidate Meet & Greet – September 13, 2018
Every candidate on the ballot was invited to participate, and attendees took the opportunity to speak one to one with candidates.
What's Cooking – August 26, 2018
Our August social started off the year with rock painting, apple pie and ice cream, and an opportunity to get engaged.