LWV supports the reintroduction of HR14 and S4, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

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Data Counts: What We Know (and don't know) About WNC Voters

Tuesday, July 23 at 11:30 AM
First Congregational Church, 1735 Fifth Ave. W. Hendersonville, NC

Christopher A. Cooper, Robert Lee Madison Distinguished Professor and Director of the Haire Institute for Public Policy at Western Carolina University, will share demographic information about WNC voters. There's much we know including that---even with the most accurate data--- polls are often wrong. Program begins at noon; feel free to bring your lunch, we will provide beverages and some sweets.


Latest News, etc.


Recycling: What You Can Do in Henderson County

Monday, July 17, 2023

Read  July 16, 2023 "Times-News" guest op ed column by LWVHC member and long-time environmental advocate, Katie Breckheimer.  Read "Local Recycling Myth Busters" HERE.



Lots of News from LWVHC Annual Meeting

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

LWVHC Annual Meeting was a hit.  Along with installing a new president and secretary, membership celebrated this year's Francee Sherman Student Award winner.  Read all about the meeting in "Times-News" article HERE.



LWVHC Speaks Out For Public School Funding

Sunday, June 4, 2023

See two letters to the editor in June 4th "Times News" ---from LWVHC President Brenda Sherrer and member Rachel Poller HERE.